Jun 7, 2009

June 7 Hiking Trip - 福巴越嶺

福巴越嶺比哈盆難走多了,因為我們從福山段開始爬,沿路都是爬坡,我到5公里處便體力不支,要求往回走,今日只走10公里,去程1小時只能走2公里,回程則可走4公里. 爬完山後,便到雲頂泡湯,再到有名的孟鴻土雞城吃晚飯


  1. Anonymous14/6/09 22:03

    Looks Fun! Why don't you bring your present boy friend with you? Hiking will be even more fun. :)
    I, being a woman, I know any contacting, talking or flirting with your ex will cause a lot of troubles for other people. No body likes that. A sophisticated woman like you should agree on this.

  2. Dear Anonymous,

    I really don't know why you left this note on my personal blog. I have no clue what you are talking about. Something must be wrong here. Kindly write to my personal e-mail address doreen.chu@gmail.com
