Mar 23, 2008

Went on a hike with mom

Don't remember when was the last time I went hiking with mom. I'm really glad we two did it again. In my childhood, one of my nightmares was to go hiking with family in the early morning of every weekend. Mom "forced" all of us to do it no matter it's summer or winter. The only exception is rainy day. I used 'study" as a good excuse to escape from the family activity since high school. Now I kind of miss those family time.
My apartment is on a small hill, there are a couple of hiking trail in my neighborhood. So I can just walk there without driving, isn't it wonderful??
小時後最大的夢懨就是假日的登山, 不論冬夏, 健康的媽媽總是強迫全家到鄰近的登山步道爬山, 而且都是在很早的清晨, 我幼年時, 鮮少可以躲在被窩賴在床上享受慵懶假日清晨, 直到國中, 我以課業為由, 才得以在家人的假日登山活動中缺席
年紀漸長後, 卻越來越愛登山,喜歡和大自然接近, 享受雙腳踩在自然黃土的真實感 (我不喜歡走階梯), 自從五年前迷上探戈後, 我的登山活動好像就此畫上了休止符
今天心血來潮, 打電話給住在咫呎之遠的媽媽, 邀請她一同到後山走走, 母女兩就在這個涼爽的午後, 在家後方的"二叭子植物園"消磨了二小時, 沿路風景還算清幽,但是藍色的電線杆和周圍的景色顯的相當不協調, 新店市公實在不該加諸政治色彩於此....

Mar 1, 2008

Lance's Going Away Party

Lance is relocating to Shanghai as president of BMS China. He is no longer living in Taipei. This party is to congratulate his promotion and let his friends to say good-bye to him. It's a potluck party. Every guest prepared one dish which Lance will miss most in China. Half of guests brought desserts to the party. Guess most of people think Lance likes sweets.
Many thanks to Vera who helped me to cook a very nice soup at Lance's kitchen. It tastes really good!!!

The world is really small!! Guess What?? I met my nephew Dyland's teacher at the party. Both Melissa and I like Dylan very much. He is such a cute little boy. (2 years and 9 months)
世界真是小小小,我居然在Party上遇到外甥倫倫的幼稚園老師Melissa,原來倫倫口中的 teacher Melissa竟和我的生活有了小小的交集

You can see from the photo that most of guests are girls!!
What a party!! Before we left, the host Lance gave us some food, desserts and alcohol!! What we took away is even more than we what brought to the party! Lance is a very generous and nice guy!! Too bad he is moving to Shanghai!
這真是個有吃又有"抓"的好聚會,由於Lance已經不住在這兒,所以每個參加的客人都分到了為數可觀的甜點,食物和酒, 比我們帶來的東西還多,大家忍不住想拍照存證以玆紀念,這個大方的主人會讓大家想念很久的!!!!