I've heard so many good things about the Vienna Ball. The first thing in my plan to Vienna is to attend the Ball. Many tahnks to my good frend Bernhard who help me to purchase the ticket. Finally my dream comes true. Ready to go for the Vienna Ball.
維也納除了音樂會和歌劇外,舞會也是非常的有名,很多日本女生會組團來參加,把參加維也納舞會當成畢生的夢想,她們不但會帶專屬的造型設計師,還會事前訂製禮服,讓自己很體面的出席. 很幸運地,我有機會能參加當地最盛大而且頗享盛名的維也納舞會,出席者大多是奧地利人,地點在Hofburg(總統府),所有的賓客能藉此參觀到平常不會開放的禁區,據電視報導,有超過6000人前來參加這場盛宴,非常感謝我的朋友Bernhard幫我購買門票(90歐元)

I felt like in the movie when I first walked in the Vienna Ball.

All kinds of desserts現場有販賣各式各樣的精美甜點

When I walked in the ball, I got a free fan. At the exit, every woman could get a free gift bag with coffee cup and small bottle of alcohol.
要進入會場時,有工作人員發放給每位女士一之扇子,離開舞會時,所有女賓客還可以拿到一份精美禮物 (小巧的咖啡杯和迷你酒瓶)