May 25, 2007

Tracy's Farewell Party

Tracy is a very sexy, funny, interesting, energetic and smart lady. We can always have lots of fun with Tracy at parites.
I host a party for her at Cosmo tonight. Quite a few friends showed up.
The whole Taipei will miss you, Tracy!!
We are waiting for the house party at Yaming Mountain!! Please do keep your promise and come back soon!!

Tracy的離開,真的是台北Party界的一大損失, 她總是十分幽默, 積極的穿梭在人群間, 所有的聚會因為她的出現, 增添了不少歡樂氣息
今天我為Tracy辦的惜別會,好多重量級人士都出現, 有外交官, 有知名企業主, 有法律名人....Tracy果然是個厲害角色!!!
因為諸位朋友的熱情,感動的Tracy當場承諾眾人, 要再回來台北, 並在陽明山外交官的豪宅辦一個轟趴,