Lance is relocating to Shanghai as president of BMS China. He is no longer living in Taipei. This party is to congratulate his promotion and let his friends to say good-bye to him. It's a potluck party. Every guest prepared one dish which Lance will miss most in China. Half of guests brought desserts to the party. Guess most of people think Lance likes sweets.
Many thanks to Vera who helped me to cook a very nice soup at Lance's kitchen. It tastes really good!!!

Many thanks to Vera who helped me to cook a very nice soup at Lance's kitchen. It tastes really good!!!

The world is really small!! Guess What?? I met my nephew Dyland's teacher at the party. Both Melissa and I like Dylan very much. He is such a cute little boy. (2 years and 9 months)
世界真是小小小,我居然在Party上遇到外甥倫倫的幼稚園老師Melissa,原來倫倫口中的 teacher Melissa竟和我的生活有了小小的交集
世界真是小小小,我居然在Party上遇到外甥倫倫的幼稚園老師Melissa,原來倫倫口中的 teacher Melissa竟和我的生活有了小小的交集
You can see from the photo that most of guests are girls!!
What a party!! Before we left, the host Lance gave us some food, desserts and alcohol!! What we took away is even more than we what brought to the party! Lance is a very generous and nice guy!! Too bad he is moving to Shanghai!
這真是個有吃又有"抓"的好聚會,由於Lance已經不住在這兒,所以每個參加的客人都分到了為數可觀的甜點,食物和酒, 比我們帶來的東西還多,大家忍不住想拍照存證以玆紀念,這個大方的主人會讓大家想念很久的!!!!
這真是個有吃又有"抓"的好聚會,由於Lance已經不住在這兒,所以每個參加的客人都分到了為數可觀的甜點,食物和酒, 比我們帶來的東西還多,大家忍不住想拍照存證以玆紀念,這個大方的主人會讓大家想念很久的!!!!