Many thanks to my tango friend Guy offering me the opportunity to take the lsson with Jorge in Vienna. My tango passion has almost gone in the past few months. I feel it comes back to

me again after the lesson. Jorge is very good at providing students different ideas about tango. Here is the link to his website It's a very HAPPY day.

探戈朋友Guy邀請我擔任他的舞伴去上私人課, 在維也納舞會上看過Jorge跳舞,並不是很喜歡他的風格,所以在上課前我並沒有很高的期待, 而且自9月探戈節後,我對探戈的狂熱已降溫不少,連milonga都不太想去, 因此我只是抱著朝嚐鮮及體驗的心情去上課,沒想到這堂課讓我有不少收穫,也解答了我心中不少疑惑,像是我走路時重心的移動及腳步的速度控制,臀部重心的掌握,embrace時手不可加重心於舞伴的身上, 上玩課後,覺得自己有再次重生的喜悅,探戈還是我的最愛.........