The outdoor milonga on Wednesday in Stockholm is located inside of "park". A few swimming pools are around. It's nice to have both wooden floor and fresh air. 斯德哥爾摩週三的戶外探戈舞會 位於一座公園內 只要在門口購買入園區的門票即可 舞會的場地有差強人意的木地板 很容易磨損鞋子 我到達時已經是晚上8點多了 太陽還是十分刺眼 還是頭一遭在烈日下跳探戈
Not sure where or when I lost my camera. It's gone..... I'm not sad about the camera, but the photos I took in Sigtuna and some other places today Sigh.. 可能是太累了 我居然不知怎地丟了我的相機 相機是舊的,不值錢 可是今天在Sigtuna和其他景點的照片卻是珍貴的 好心痛啊!!!