May 2, 2008

Milonga @ Tango Bang in Shanghai

One of my tango dreams is to have my own tango place. Not sure if I can have enuogh money and time to make it happen in the future!!! I'm so proud of Vivan & Charles who opened such a nice tango bar in Shanghai. Wish them a big success....
Address : 上海浦東新區浦東大道545號1樓(裕景大飯店商舖)
Contact Information : Vivian Yeh 1367-166-7388
Charles Chiu 1367-168-7388
看到Vivian和Charles大手筆的投資這個探戈酒吧,真替她們感到驕傲,雖然上海現在的探戈舞技和台北有相當大的一段差距, 相信在她們的耕耘下,一定會開花結果的