Mar 3, 2012

Melbourne Trip - Nobbies Center @ Philip Island

Melbourne Trip - 防滑措施

澳洲政府的公共設施真好, 在海邊的木棧道上還鋪上鐵絲網防滑, 值得多雨的北臺灣多多學習

Melbourne Trip - Koala Conservation Center @ Philip Island

I saw many wild Kolas today. They are lovely...

Melbourne Trip - Churchill Island

Too bad it's raining hard now, I can only enjoy the beautiful view with an umbrella

Melbourne Trip - Churchill Island

First time to try my hand at milking a cow!! I'm so talented!!

Melbourne Trip - Churchill Island

First time to hold a chicken tight....

Melbourne Trip - Churchill Island

Can you tell how nervous I am to feed the horse??

Melbourne Trip - Puffing Billy

I took the ride throught the forest from Belgrave to Menzies station on Puffing billy steam train Creek. The journey is FUN.

Melbourne Trip - Dandenong Ranges National Park

下車就碰到傾盆大雨, 只好買把傘....可惜我無法在這美麗的國家公園散散步

Melbourne Trip - Gray Line Day Tour

在澳洲旅行最好的方法,應該是開車,可是我沒有勇氣嘗試坐在車子右方開車,所以決定參加當地的local tour. 在出發時,我發現三大公司Gray Line, APT和AAT Kings的集合地點都一樣,各家的服務應該是大同小異,選擇最便宜的就可以. 我兩天都參加Gray Line的觀光團,對於他們的專業和所提供的服務很滿意
第一天參加了Penguin Deluxe + Puffing Billy (因為企鵝在天黑後才上岸,回到飯店快凌晨一點了)
第二天參加了Great Ocean Road Adventure
為了想選擇自己喜歡的餐點,我並沒有在Tour中付午餐的錢, 後來覺得後悔了,我發現他們附的餐非常超值