I was quite upset about not being able to Lisbon Tango Festival due to the coming business trip to Kula Lumpur. I didn't notice that there is a tango festival in KL during my visit until now!! Hahaha...I still can attend a tango festival in Malaysia. Hopefully I can get some good dances at the milonga.
計畫成行的里斯本探戈節之旅因為要去吉隆坡出差而破局,沒想到.沒想到......在同一時間,吉隆坡居然也有探戈節, 上帝還是眷顧我的, 雖然明知吉隆坡的舞者一定無法和歐洲的舞者媲美, 我還是開心地不得了, 有種失而復得的喜悅 !!
7 years ago