Feb 12, 2008

Milonga @ Milano

Address : ARCI Bellezza via Bellezza
Date : Feb. 12, Tue 10 pm
It's so nice to meet Cinzia again after 3 years. I feel so happy for her that she is happily married and will deliver a new baby in a few months. Her husband was a non-tango dancer when I first met him in Buenos Aires, but now he is a very good dancer. Too bad I forgot to take photos with them.
之前在米蘭所參加過的milonga都非常棒,男舞者音樂性和技巧皆佳,無奈今晚的運氣非常不好,來到個"群魔亂舞"的恐怖舞會,場地雖大,但是舞客更多,只見Belos, Sacadas, Ganchos全場亂飆,隨處可見互撞的慘劇....今晚唯一開心的是和久未謀面的探戈好友Cinzia重逢,看到新婚懷孕的她,倚偎在丈夫身旁,真是幸福, 還記的當初在阿根廷,她的先生是探戈的絕緣體,三年不見,他現在也是探戈高手!!

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