Jan 25, 2009

Dubai Trip - Milonga @ The Palace Hotel

Every Sunday
Time : 10PM - 12 midnight
Venue : The Palace - The Old Town, Downtown Burj Dubai
"Asado" Argentine Grill Restaurant
3.沒有人跳close embrace,滿場的Bleo和Gancho紛飛

Abu Dhabi Trip - Taxi

在阿布達比搭計程車和杜拜不一樣 ,司機並沒有用Meter,必須議價, Liagia和我聯手和這位巴基斯坦司機殺價,最後以2小時約700元台幣的價格成交

Abu Dhabi Trip - Sheikh Zayed Mosque

Emirates Palace Hotel Abu Dhabi

Abu Dhabi Trip - Corniche

Abu Dhabi Trip - Lunch

Abu Dhabi City View

Abu Dhabi Trip - Travel with Liagia

Ruben is Mike's neighbor, also a doctor. His sister Liagia is visiting Dubai as a conference speaker. Ruben is driving to Abu Dhabi for a conference today. He offered me a ride there and suggested me to travel with Liagia together.
I'm so glad I did the trip. Abu Dhabi is a very nice city. Liagia is a super fun woman. We had a great time together.