Jan 24, 2009

Dubai Trip - Saturday Milonga Canceled

Got the tango information from Tango Dubai website and I also wrote a mail to check if all of the information are updated. However, the Saturday milonoga was canceled one month ago. I would've spent more time with my British friends for dinner if I knew it.
Tango Dubai網站上得知杜拜星期六有探戈舞會,我提早結束和英國朋友的晚餐,搭計程車到Hotel Metropolitan跳舞,誰知這個舞會早在一個月前就取消了,在來之前,我還寫mail和主辦人確認過,覺得回我mail的那個人實在太不負責任了,我白花了600元台幣的計程車費,實在是有點生氣.....

Dubai Trip - Dinner @ The Irish Village

Had cold beer and dinner with a gorup of British guys.

Dubai Mall - Ice Cream Shop

兩球不怎麼樣的冰淇淋花了我近新台幣 200元,不過這裡的服務很好,可以試吃各種口味的冰淇淋

Dubai Mall - Aquarium

The Aquarium earned the Guinness World Record for the world's "Largest Acrylic Panel" (32.88 metres wide x 8.3 metres high x 750mm thick and weighing 245,614kg).

Dubai Trip - Dubai Mall

The Dubai Mall opened on November 2008, is the world largest shopping mall.

Dubai Mall - Dubai Ice Rink

The Dubai Ice Rink is an indoor ice skating venue at The Dubai Mall. Located in the climate-controlled environment. this Olympic-size venue can host a diverse calendar of events from figure skating competitions to hockey matches and live concerts.

Dubai Trip - Lamcy Plaza

Dubai Trip - Bus Station

The great bus station in Dubai is with air condition!!

Dubai Trip - Dubai Tower


Dubai Trip - People

Dubai Trip - The Place I Stay

Mike的家離著名的購物廣場Lamcy Plaza非常近,大樓內有游泳池,蒸氣室和健身房,很多和他一起工作的醫生都住在這裡