I went to a tango festival in Hamburg with Queenie, then travelled alone to Heidelberg, Munich, Fussen & Kongssee. After the trip, my passion to tango is even more than before

First night milonga in Hamburg. It's on a ship-Cap San Diego. At that night, Queenie & I didn't get many chances to dance. Most of German men only danced with their partners ;-( We were a little upset...

This lady just sat next to me. She is a lovely German woman. I enjoyed watching the way she danced with her husband. They met each other at mmilonga. How romantic it is! Hope we can meet my Mr. Right in milonga, too.....^_^

This is the husband of the lovely German woman. He is from Chile. He is a good tango dancer!

The couple we met at Cap San Diego. They also met each other at milonga ^_^ Looks like I should go to milonga as often as possible if I want to find a boy friend

The youngest tanguero in the whole world. Both of his parents are teaching in Denmark. His mom still danced tango while she was pregnant.

This couple are from Germany. Both of them are doctors. We were in the same tango class.
Toms (from Norway)
Italian girl-Givenna, Me, and Dave from Switzerland
Milonga at Mozarts?le

Peter (from Germany) helped me a lot for my workshop in Hamburg

Me and Daniel. Daniel is a great tango dancer
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