Address : 25 Changkat Bukit Bintang
Tel : 60-3-2144-3001
After dinner with my boss and colleagues. I'm ready to attend the tango festival in Kuala Lumpur. CH is my colleague from Malaysia, she was so nice and offered me a ride to the tango place. The TRAFFIC was so bad in the city. CH had some problems to find the place even if we had the address. Then CH made a couple of phone calls to ask for directions, but we still couldn't find the place after 1.5 hours.
So I decided to call a taxi. Guess what? It took me only 3 minutes to find the place by paying RM5. ^_^
我的馬來西亞同事很熱心地開車載我到舞會地點,雖然我們有地址,也打電話和舉辦舞會的餐廳通電話詢問如何到達,花了1.5小時卻仍找不到, 最後我還是花了5元馬幣搭計程車才找到
在此地,可能有1/4以上的舞者是外國人,來參與探戈節的人大多是來自印尼,新加坡...參加的人數不多, 好舞者也不多, 可是氣氛是非常融洽而和善的
和幾位當地只學1年的初學者跳, 發現台北的初學者程度還真不錯...............
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