May 28, 2008

First Time DJ @ Tanguisimo

I really enjoyed the milonga at Tanguisimo tonight. Not because I was the DJ, but the cozy atmosphere. I haven't gone out for tango dancing on the weekdays for a long time. It's actually a good idea to relax myself after working whole day .
好喜歡週三舞會的氣氛, 沒有過多的舞者擁擠在舞池, 人與人間的距離好像拉的更近, 在忙碌工作一天後, 透過探戈舞蹈適度地解放自己, 真是不錯的選擇, 我以後一定會常來這個舞會


  1. Anonymous29/5/08 09:39

    I have to say, a milonga with DJ Doreen is a wonderful gift for my birth day. I did enjoy the music you prepared. Thanks very much. btw, at least two or more friends told me they came to the milonga that night just for the DJ Doreen.
    Good for you!!!


  2. Dear Tony,

    What a nice compliment!! I'm gald you had a good time for your b-day.

    Keep dancing....


  3. Anonymous29/5/08 20:24

    dear Doreen,
    i did enjoy the music very much that night too. you had an amazing collection of tango music! and thank you for the nice selection you made for us that evening ^^

  4. I enjoyed my visit to Tanguísimo in January 2009, and look forward to returning in early June. Thanks to all for your nice hospitality. -Fred

  5. Fred,

    Look forward to seeing you @ Tanguisimo again. We have Esquel & Geraldine workingshop from June 10 -14, wlecome to join us, too.

