The beach next to Hotel Tylosand飯店旁的海灘

Spa with Ocean View

Dinner with other dancers
The Sweden tangocmap is the best tango festival I've ever been to so far. Why?
1. I got my dream tango dance partner-Christian Walker for the class. He is a very advanced dancer with wonderful personality. With his help in the classes, I've learned and improved so much. After Buenos Aires trip, I've never had so much fun from tango dancing. It's also my first time to enjoy dancing neuvo style. I feel really lucky to have such a great dance partner.
2. Tangocamp is very easy to make friends with other tango dancers.
All of the people stay at the same hotel together. We can easily chat with new friends when we are having meals or relax at Spa area.
3. We can take a rest right after milonga or classes.
Don't have to spend some time to travel between milonga, studio and hotel rooms.
4. One of the best things at Sweden tangocamp is they have very nice SPA and swimming pool at hotel.
All of the facilities can help you to recover from non-stop tango dancing.
5. Since all of the classes are decided by the organizers, we can't choose teachers.
I got the chance to know more nice teachers and have many good surprises from classes.
6. During the festival, I met a great couple from Amsterdam - Gerald and Martha. I once danced with Gerald in Tangomagia last December. He is an amazingly good dancer on top of my list. I had many good dances with him at tangocamp. Both Gerald and Martha are very intelligent, friendly, understanding, intersting, funny, and willing to share with people their ideas. We had some nice dialogs regarding "relationship" which gave me some new thoughts.
7. I had 2 great roommates during my stay at Tylosand.
Both of them are from Oslo. I accidently hurt my wrist at the first night. They took care of me nicely and helped me to do something I couldn't do it by my right hand. We girls helped each other to dress up for the milongas. It's kind of fun....
This tangocamp is so far the only festival I would think I'll go back again!!
所有的活動都在同一家旅館中舉行 (上課/舞會/用餐)
我們在第二天就從advanced被升等到advanced extra