我的美國朋友Erik邀請我參加一個在杭州環西湖的登山活動, 今天起個大早和另外三位來自挪威',法國和英國的朋友,隨著兩位年輕的登山嚮導,從上海南站搭火車前往杭州的登山口 出發沒多久,我就發現我們的領隊根本沒來過,所以我們後來就迷路了,真的不敢相信中國大陸的旅行社竟如此離譜,我們五位登山客各別都付了人民幣 500元,可說是所費不貲,卻換來此般待遇,I can only say...Welcome to China!! 回程經過大清谷,對於它的美與幽靜,留下深刻的印像
Tango Bang is a great tango place. Vivian did a great job on running this place. The food is nice, too. We have a guest DJ Christopher from USA tonight.
Many thanks to Erik who took me to such a great restaurant. The last time I met him is 7 years ago. It's always nice to get together with an old friend.