I'm always a big apple fan and love all of the apple product. To organize my 180 GB tango music, I bought a new Mac Book with 250GB as my new year gift. Guess I'll spend lots of time at home to organize my tango music...:-)
Many thanks to Irene, Jacky and my godson Brady took me for lunch. Thank Ben, Queenie and Vera, I had a wonderful birthday dinner. The 35 years black lable whisky is really great. Yeah...I'm 39 now!!! 萬分感謝好友們在百忙之中幫我慶生 真不敢相信我已經三十九歲了!!!!!
I've never expected that Japanese can host such a great party Show-San is very energetic, friendly, talented and fun He cooked different types of Japanese food Every guest brought a bottle of good wine We were all happy and had a great time 知道party是日本人辦的 並沒有很高的期待 勉為其難的出席了 而且還刻意地遲到了近二個小時 沒想到 沒想到.......... 這群住在台灣的日本總經理們 非常有趣而且有才華 主人煮了滿桌日本料理 還彈琴唱歌 又有各式的心理測試問答 笑話不斷 這個週末夜好有趣啊