Zoe met her sweetheart Larry at Sitges tango festival in Spain a couple of years ago. At that time, Zoe was living in Barcelona and Larry in San Francisco. And tonight, they are married!! The wedding ceremony was very warm and cozy. Only 8 people were there (including bride and groom) to witness the beautiful moment. "The piece of paper" was signed!!! Wish them happy forever!! Zoe和Larry的婚禮是在她們自家公寓辦的 連新郎新娘及證婚人一共才8人 婚禮前 賢慧的新娘還幫賓客張羅一桌美味的地中海美食 沙拉 主菜 甜點 紅酒 樣樣不缺 Zoe真是個能幹的巧婦 瘋狂的我們 在婚禮後 還去milonga跳舞 雖然舞者不多 但大多是職業舞者 就算是坐在場邊觀看 也是一番享受 Now I announce you as husband and wife!
You may kiss your bride!!
This is the piece of paper to prove that Zoe and Larry are married.
Some colleagues are worried if I can drive between New York city and Princeton It's not that difficult as I thought with GPS Technology is really changing the world and making life more convenient. 因為Princeton並沒有便利的大眾運輸工具 而我需要往來飯店和兩個不同的辦公室 我便在紐約租了一台車 由曼哈頓開往紐澤西 藉由GPS和EZ-Pass之協助 一路輕鬆順暢 順利地抵達不同的目的地
Trees are so colorful and beautiful In Princeton right now
It's really hard to believe that Wii is still so difficult to get after launching one year in US I'm very happy to get one at Nintendo Store near Rockefeller Center in New York