Oct 22, 2007

Chris' B-Day Party at China Pa

Ping, Christine, Lance and I organized a surprised B-day party at China Pa for Chris. We pretended that we didn't know it's Chris' special day during dinner. After Live Band's first song, the singer started to sing Happy B-day song and some staff from Cina Pa did some shows to celebrate Chris' b-day. They also offered Chris a big bowl of alcohol for free. Can't believe that he finished all and still could walk out of China Pa.

Oct 12, 2007

Jim's Farewell Party

Jim Grills is my favorite boss and will be moving back to US next month. He'll manage us remotely though. During Jim's business trip in Taipei, I host a samll farewell dinner party at a french restaurant Louis XIV. Awesome food, great wine and a group of wonderful friends....

我的直屬主管 Jim Grills要被調回美國了







幫他辦了一個溫馨的告別 party

希望他能早日重返亞洲 !!